2023 Seed Mix
Hand picked Native seed
At this time I do not sell seed mixes. This list represents seed that I collected and used to inter-seed the prairie reconstruction project I have going on our own property. A small amount was reserved for planting mixed species flats.
- Prairie Smoke
- Pussytoe
- Pasque Flower
- Carolina Larkspur
- Death Camas
- Large Beardtongue
- Foxglove Beardtongue
- White Beardtongue
- Purple prairie clover
- White prairie clover
- Snakeroot
- Prairie Turnip
- Thimbleweed
- Maximilian Sunflower
- Oxeye Sunflower
- Showy Sunflower
- Bergamot
- Prairie Onion
- Mountain mint
- New England Aster
- Culvers root
- Leadplant
- Meadow Rue
- Blanketflower
- Prairie Plox
- Downy Gentian
- Bottle Gentian
- White Sage
- Prairie Cinquefoil
- Narrow Leafed Coneflower
- Prairie Coneflower
- Meadow Blazing star
- Dotted Blazing Star
- Rough Blazing Star
- Prairie blazing star
- Prairie rose
- False gromwell
- Anise hyssop
- Northern bedstraw
- Golden Alexander
- Heartleaf Alexander
- Aulm root
- Harebell
- Stiff Goldenrod
- Showy Goldenrod
- Old Field Goldenrod
- Sky blue Aster
- Heath aster
- Hairy Gold Aster
- Silky Aster
- Yarrow
- Upland White Goldenrod
- Wood Lily
- Ironweed
- Joe Pye Weed
- Blue vervain
- Hoary vervain
- Ground plumb