Potted Plants

Choose from dozens of native plants that have been grown from seed hand collected from local remnant prairies! Most plants come as thee packs of 2.5″ wide by 3.5″ deep pots. Some plants may also have additional container offerings.

Showing 1–12 of 46 results

  • Blue grama in bloom

    Blue grama, Bouteloua gracilis


    Blue grama is a unique short statured grass native to dry prairies of Minnesota. If you’re feeling a little silly you might call it “eyebrow grass,” as the seed heads look like a bunch of little eyebrows nodding in the breeze. Blue grama is a clump forming grass that is an attractive compliment to shorter…

  • SOLD OUT! Downy Gentian in Bloom

    Downy Gentian, gentiana puberulenta

    Downy gentian (sometimes called prairie gentian) is a hidden gem in the world of native prairie flowers. It’s the kind of flower that is spoken of in hushed tones by the botanical crowd, its locations shared only with those deemed ready to approach it with the proper respect. Unlike other native gentians, the downy gentian…

  • Large-flowered Beardtongue in bloom

    Large-flowered Beardtongue, Penstemon grandiflorus


    Large-flowered beardtongue is one of five species of penstemons native to Minnesota. Of those species, it is one of three found within our growing region alongside white beardtongue (Penstemon albidus) and slender beardtongue (Penstemon gracilis). Like white and slender beardtongue, large-flowered beardtongue prefers relatively dry, well draining sites. It has the most robust stature of…

  • Prairie Blazing Star

    Prairie Blazing Star, Liatris pycnostachya


    Prairie blazing star is an excellent native flower for moist soil environments. Of the five species of liatris that are native to Minnesota, prairie blazing it the most moisture loving of the group. It tends to be found in wet meadows surrounded by Maximilian’s sunflower, mountain mint, bottle gentian, and often meadow blazing star. Prairie…

  • Slender beardtongue in bloom

    Slender Beardtongue, Penstemon gracilis


    Slender beardtongue is one of five species of penstemons native to Minnesota. Of those species, it is one of three found within our growing region alongside white beardtongue (Penstemon albidus) and large-flowered beardtongue (Penstemon grandiflorus). Like white and large-flowered beardtongue, slender beardtongue prefers relatively dry, well draining sites. Its growth habit is the most delicate…

  • Wild bergamot in bloom

    Wild Bergamot, Monarda fistulosa


    Wild bergamot, also called bee balm and spotted horsemint, is a common, early-successional prairie plant with several wonderful characteristics. When in bloom, its little firecracker-style blossoms are almost continuously visited by bees. I can hardly form an image of these flowers in my head without a bee rummaging through its petals! Just as the bees…

  • Narrow-leaved purple coneflower in bloom

    Narrow-leaved Purple Coneflower, Echinacea angustifolia


    Narrow-leaved purple coneflower is the only purple coneflower native to Minnesota. It is seldom found in the nursery trade, unlike the eastern coneflower and pale purple coneflower. Narrow-leaved purple coneflower is a showy resident of dry sandy prairies. It begins blooming in late June and attracts many different types of pollinators. It grows from a…

  • SOLD OUT! Downy phlox in bloom

    Downy Phlox, Phlox pilosa


    Downy phlox, also called prairie phlox, is a colorful early-season beauty! Being one of the few flowers blooming this time of year and owing to its vibrant color, downy phlox really stands out. Collecting seed for this plant is tricky. Once ripe, the small capsules burst open and the seed disperses. It is also difficult…

  • Pasque flower in bloom

    Pasque Flower, Anemone patens


    Pasque Flower 2.5″ pot.

  • SOLD OUT! Hoary Puccoon growing in a ditch

    Hoary Puccoon, Lithospermum canescens


    Hoary Puccoon is a bright addition to spring prairies. Its lively yellow/orange flowers are a treat to find during a season when most vegetation is only just beginning to green up. It is among a handful of indicator plants that are used to determine if an area is likely to be a remnant prairie or…

  • SOLD OUT! Wood lily in bloom

    Wood Lily, Lilium philadelphicum


    Our wood lilies will be offered for sale for the first time in the spring of 2024. This slow growing plant can take up to three years to reach maturity, even in a greenhouse setting. Sign up for email notifications above to be the first notified when these amazing plants are ready for sale! Read…

  • monarch on swamp milkweed

    Swamp Milkweed, Asclepias incarnata


    Swamp milkweed, also called rose, marsh, or red milkweed is a striking member of the Asclepias family. Its beautiful purple red blossoms are a lovely addition to any moist to medium soil prairie garden. Lean in close and smell the sweet vanilla scent! Often used by monarch butterflies, be sure to look closely at the…