How To shop with us
We work hard to make it easy for you to start planting natives! Windflower Natives doesn’t have a traditional storefront, but we offer a variety ways for you to buy your plants:

There are two major growing cycles at our nursery. We time our germination and growing to have one crop ready to ship/pick up at the end of May, and the other in mid-September.
This is our primary method of selling plants. It helps us plan and ensure that we have the plants that you want when the prime planting times hit. We will email those on our mailing list when pre-order windows open. Ordering during these times really helps us out! If you haven’t already, join our email list here here so you’ll be notified of pre-order windows.
As we approach the fulfillment date of each preorder window, we do our best to update our website to reflect stock levels. Each growing cycle certain species and kits go out of stock, but don’t worry! Most of what we grow shows up in both spring and fall growing cycles (with the notable exception of many of the hard to find natives that tend to only show up in one or the other cycle due to their more challenging growing habits.
Plants can either be picked up at our greenhouse or shipped. Both live plant pick up and shipping occur twice per year. Once in late May/early June, and once in mid-September. If you place an order, you will be notified about two weeks prior to plant pickup/shipping.
Finally, we offer some bare root plants. These dormant plants are larger and more mature than most live plants we offer. They can be picked up or shipped in mid-October.
In June and September we often attend the Fergus Falls Farmer’s Market. The market is open on Saturdays between 9:00am and 1:00pm and on Wednesdays between 2:00pm and 5:30pm. Follow our Facebook page to be notified of when we plan to be there.
The farmer’s market is great if you want to meet Megan and I in person. The only downside is that we are limited in the variety of plants that we’re able to bring on any given day. We try to bring about 16 species.
These unpredictable little sales have been working out great! Maybe, unlike the farmers market, you don’t want to meet us! Maybe you want to just grab a few plants and go. We’re here for you (or not, as it were)!
These sales take place out of the back of my pickup truck that I park at the end of our south driveway: 1509 North Trail. Follow our our Facebook page for notifications.
I use these sales to find homes for plants that I need to move. I try to mix things up, so expect a combination of discounted plants, experimental unlisted plants, and some of the usual favorites.
If you’re the kind of person who likes to shop in person, we get it! You are always free to make an appointment with us. Text or call Alex at 320-224-8545 or send a message here. We’ll be happy to accommodate! Just note that we are not a retail establishment. Most plants in the greenhouse will not be labeled. This is option is best for folks who either have a solid knowledge of native plants or who are looking for a recommendation. We accept cash, check, and credit card on site.
This new program is for landowners or government agencies with larger-scale prairie reconstructions or degraded remnant prairies. Early-season forbs are challenging to introduce into prairie reconstructions. This program was conceived to help solve this problem. If adding functioning early-season plant communities to your project sounds appealing, you can learn more here.