2023 Limited Stock Plant List

Plants that will be available this spring

  • Meadow Liatris, Liatris ligulistylis 
  • Prairie Smoke, Geum triflorum
  • Carolina Larkspur, Delphinium carolinianum
  • Bottle Gentian, Gentiana andrewsii
  • Blanket Flower, Gaillardia aristata
  • Prairie Onion, Allium stellatum
  • White Beardtongue, Penstemon albidus
  • Pasque Flower, Anemone patens
  • Narrow-leaved Coneflower, Echinacea angustifolia
  • Virginia Mountain Mint, Pycnanthemum virginianum
  • Ground Plumb, Astragalus crassicarpus

Plants that will be available Later this summer

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Plants that will be available This fall

  • 2 year old pasque flower, Anemone patens (bare root)

Plants in the works but that won’t be available until next year at the earliest

  • Wood Lily, Lilium philadelphicum
  • Mountain Death Camas, Zigadenus elegans (maybe… I’m unsure of the wisdom of selling a powerful neurotoxin!)