Dotted Blazing Star, Liatris punctata


Dotted blazing star is one of five different species of liatris that is native to Minnesota, along with meadow blazing star, prairie blazing star, rough blazing star, and cylindric blazing star. Of the five, it is found in the driest habitats. As such, it is also a relatively short statured plant, growing only to about two feet in the best conditions.

It is beneficial to many native pollinators, including native bees and butterflies. Monarch butterflies will regularly frequent this plant, though their favorite liatris is the meadow blazing star.

Life Cycle: Perennial
Size: 2 feet
Sun: Full, Partial
Soil: Medium-Dry, Dry
Bloom Time: July, August, September
Advantages: Pollinator Favorite Deer Resistant Highly recommended for home gardens
