Silky Aster, Symphyotrichum sericeum


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Silky asters emerge in May from a cluster of fuzzy basal leaves. They are velvety soft and give off a beautiful silver sheen. As the year progresses, the plant stretches into long thin branches, taking on an almost bush-like stature, with small silver leaves. Finally, in late summer the show really gets going with a densely rayed flower that shows off a stunning violet purple that is unmatched on the dry hillsides where it thrives. Silky aster is a lovely addition to dry hillsides and other sandy soil environments. It provides visual interest year-round and benefits many late season pollinators with its gorgeous flowers!

Life Cycle: Perennial
Size: 12″
Sun: Full
Soil: Medium-Dry, Dry
Bloom Time: September, October
Advantages: Pollinator Favorite Bird Favorite: Habitat, Food Source Highly recommended for home gardens
