Meadow Blazing Star, Liatris Ligulistylis


Meadow blazing star is a monarch magnet! One of five species of liatris native to Minnesota, meadow blazing star is at the top of the list for migrating monarch butterflies! Hungry monarchs in the process of their fall migration will mob these plants making for a lively display of complementary colors.

Other species of liatris that are native to Minnesota include dotted blazing star, prairie blazing star, rough blazing star, and cylindric blazing star

Life Cycle: Perennial
Size: 3-5 feet
Sun: Full, Partial
Soil: Medium-Wet, Medium, Medium-Dry
Bloom Time:  August, September
Advantages: Pollinator Favorite Bird Favorite: Habitat, Food Source Deer Resistant Highly recommended for home gardens

Live plants will be available in May and September.
Two year old bare root plants ship in October.


Plant Type

Bare Root, Potted Plant


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